Monday, June 16, 2008

Vine Bud & Leaf

I always found the smallest of flowers or vines to be most interesting subjects and some of my best designs in the past were drawn from the tiniest detail of vine. I worked on this and two others over the weekend, one of which is so messed up... well, it needs to be wiped.

1 comment:

jilly ballantyne said...

I love the simplicity of your shapes and colours, keep doing it your way! I want so much to be a Carol Marine and dream of being a Karin Jurick! but i have recently decided to just paint it the way I do and accept 'my style' I still check in to all these blogs and maybe a more 'painterly' me will emerge one day but as a former graphic designer maybe my work will always be on the graphic side. In the same vein, I love the flat grey of your Rocks, or the squareness of the nasturtiums, a lot of painterly daily painters would have real trouble representing these objects this way! Keep painting and posting! JB in France