Saturday, September 6, 2008


I follow several artist blogs whose work I never tire of: Karin Jurick has started a challenge blog, a call for enteries-Different Strokes For Different Folks- to post your painted version of one of her photographs. Her painting is the first on the blog and all contributions are posted thereafter. I love it. I jumped right in. I had a direction, a mandate.
This work is Cracker Jack, Karin's dearest dog, now passed. As I was painting I was thinking about all the dogs I'd lost and how. I'd get weepy and take a mis-brushstroke and mess the thing up, repaint until it was mud, painted a new version, made mud...Ten layers! Three days!
Ckeck her work out. You won't be disappointed. jb

1 comment:

Karel Tuinart said...

Hi Jeanne, I like your painting of Jack a very nice job!